Coach, Teacher and Founder

I created UNWIND to marry my curiosity and passion for mindfulness and human performance to the strategic approaches and professional standards of my law firm background…

I never used to consider myself mindful or creative.

My very earliest memories are magical and numinous, as I was obsessed with nature and mermaids, animals, books, music and my own imagination. Before long, though, I found and followed a good-on-paper, 4.0, type A, safe and proven path to common markers of success, until I landed at a fantastic job at a fantastic law firm - all documents and deal flows, rather than vinyasa flows.

I retired from lawyering to full-time parenting with pretty much the same systematic and perfectionist mindset, until life events and the four gorgeous little humans in my care began to show me that I could be different, more open and allowing, authentic and accepting. Yoga was there just in time to encourage all of the above, along with meditation, then breathwork and all things related to wellness and performance.

So I consumed, then practiced, then studied and taught and created, using all the practices I’d gathered. When I faced cancer, divorce, losing my dear dad, and launching my young adult children, I was own first client. Midlife is transformative for many of us, and I gave myself a long leash to learn and study, to support myself and expand my vision and potential by diving deeper into practices I knew, and researching and experimenting with new modalities. When I wanted to flex my agentic muscles again, I reached for my professional past and pulled intellectual rigor, strategies and systems forward to scaffold the mindful, creative spark I uncovered more recently.

And this is how UNWIND was born. Working in this space where the science of performance meets the art of mindful elevation has fascinated me and supported every facet of my well-being, and I can’t wait to share the synergy with you.

Everything I teach has become a mindful and creative exercise, using movement, words, music, breath and focus to create an experience that’s informative, up-leveling, that allows for space and change, and shifts your consciousness a little bit each time meet and practice together.